
Feeling Stuck? 10 Signs It’s Time for a Change

Feeling Stuck? 10 Signs It's Time for a Change
Feeling Stuck? 10 Signs It's Time for a Change
Feeling Stuck? 10 Signs It's Time for a Change

Related post: It’s okay not to ne Okay: Why it’s normal?

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I am an energetic mom of two kids, still learning the ropes of it. I am so excited to start writing about tips, tricks, and advice on things of everyday life.

(25) Comments

  1. Thanks for such helpful points. It is good to change your life in a different way and recharge yourself on and off. Currently, I am focusing on my health, taking small steps at a time to recharge my soul.

  2. Bedabrata Chakraborty says:

    Great post! The point about feeling bored and needing to inject excitement into life really hit home. It’s a strong reminder that sometimes we need to shake things up to stay happy and engaged.

  3. Absolutely loved your latest blog post, Anjali! 🌟 Your insights on recognizing when it’s time for a change are so on point and relatable. The way you broke down the signs really made me reflect on my own situation. Your writing style is engaging and encouraging, making it a must-read for anyone feeling a bit stuck. Keep up the fantastic work! 🚀✨

  4. Hansa says:

    This is very insightful. There are some points which have hit home. I’ve been there and working on coming out of it.

    1. Ohhhh Anjali… i won’t say which ones but some points hit hard. But of course, I need to reflect more on them. After reading your post, I am now sure that I am ‘stuck’ in several aspects. Now the challenge is ‘what am I going to do about it? and how?’

  5. There was a time when I felt like this. I’m glad I have been over all this for a long time now. Good tips!

  6. I am reminded of Mahatma Gandhi’s famous quote, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. I really feel stuck, but no point complaining. I am pursuing my interests to ignite the fire of change.

  7. Procrastinating or not I am not sure, but my mentor is saying I am unnecessary delaying my launch. But is that so… perhaps no… it was getting difficult to explain my mentor that I am not delaying but making slow and steady moves for making a decent launch without affecting the role of being a MOM. Sometimes its really difficult to make others understand as they don’t want to move out of their shoe to be in my shoe to see how I am managing. I am sure to get launched and I am not Procrastinating – I am all set for the change to welcome

  8. Great tips, and I’ve been through such a stage on and off in my life. Boredom has been my biggest challenge, and I can see you’ve put it right on top. Insightful article!

  9. These were all the signs that led me to give up a full-time job and pursue my true passion, writing. I think that last one ‘You’re longing for something more’ is still there but in a good way, like it’s a motivation to make more and better content

  10. The ten signs highlighted are relatable and provide a clear perspective on assessing one’s current situation. The practical advice on how to initiate change and the emphasis on personal growth are empowering. It’s a must-read for anyone feeling uncertain about their next steps in life. Thanks for sharing such valuable wisdom!

  11. Don’t we all feel stuck after a certain stage in life? And sometimes it becomes impossible to change the course of life because of innumerable responsibilities.

  12. This was so needed for me. I seem to be facing quite a few from this list. Need to bring about a change starting now:)

  13. Yes, I am also stuck. Your 10 points hit hard. I always feel it and try to do something exciting but phewww… It is not working in long run.

  14. I’ve known that feeling and although there are ways to tackle, it’s easier said than done when you have a family and other responsibilities to look after. Small changes in self can go a long way to shake off that feeling.

  15. Sometimes we know when we are stuck but don’t have the courage to make a change. This post is very useful for someone who is stuck and needs the push. Relaizing there is a problem is the first step.

  16. Caroline says:

    Change of a any kind is always a good idea and all the pointer in ur post can help with bring the right kind of change.

  17. Ritu Bindra says:

    Like they say, change is the only constant. We need to continuously update ourselves to avoid getting stuck. Ditto on the negative vibes. If you surround yourself with negativity, you will become a negative person.

  18. oops! I find myself saying yes to many points. I sure need some change for sure.

  19. Liked how you summed up all the pointers that are the symptoms of being stuck in life. Sometimes giving a pleasant twist to life is the only remedy. Kudos for helping people whose lives are stalled for some reason.

  20. Thank you for the encouragement and practical advice. I have been feeling stuck lately. This post is exactly what I needed to read today. Time to shake things up and break free from the rut.

  21. I completely agree with all the points. I was saying yes to many points. I am facing health issues these days and need to change my lifestyle drastically to be stable.

  22. I like checklists, and this is a good and straightforward one. it is helpful to know that if you are seeing your own current habits on this list, it is a reminder to pull yourself out and change – for the better.

  23. Noor Anand Chawla says:

    It can indeed be difficult to read the signs when one feels stuck in a rut. You have shared sage advice.

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