
Microplastics in Breast Milk: What Mothers Need to Know

Microplastics in Breast Milk: What Mothers Need to Know
Microplastics in Breast Milk: What Mothers Need to Know
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I am an energetic mom of two kids, still learning the ropes of it. I am so excited to start writing about tips, tricks, and advice on things of everyday life.

(41) Comments

  1. Plastic seems to have become the scourge of humanity. We are destroying our planet with plastic from our oceans to land masses. Microplastics in breast milk are alarming, and we must take this as a serious wake-up call.

  2. This is a valuable information. Not everyone is aware of Microplastics in breast milk. Thank you for spreading awareness

  3. Amy singh says:

    Whoa! This is an eye opening article. Would definitely forward to new moms in my circle. Actually using those suction pumps and nipple pads are dangers. Natural way to consume milk for babies always better.

    1. No dear, a suction breast pump is a game-changer for getting that liquid gold – breast milk! It’s super useful. Check out my article
      ( )on mastitis to discover what could happen if your little one isn’t sipping milk, and you’re not using that pump. Trust me, it’s a must-read!

  4. Stunning Facts. I am sharing this with my relatives who are recent moms, this is worthwhile information and helps me be cautious and attentive. Thanks a lot.

  5. Awareness of microplastics in breast milk is crucial for mothers. Stay informed on potential risks, make eco-conscious choices, and advocate for sustainable practices to safeguard your baby’s health and the environment.

  6. Akshi Sharma says:

    Your informative piece on microplastics in breast milk is crucial for mothers seeking awareness. Your detailed insights provide a valuable guide, ensuring mothers are well-informed about this concerning issue. Well-researched and helpful!

  7. Krishna Sreekumar says:

    Certainly! You could reply with something like:

    “Great blog post! It’s concerning to learn about microplastics in breast milk. Have you come across any studies suggesting potential impacts on infant health? Interested to know more about how this issue is being addressed or if there are any steps mothers can take to minimize exposure.”

  8. Bedabrata Chakraborty says:

    Enlightening article on microplastics in breast milk. It’s a concern worth addressing, and your information is informative. Mothers need to be aware of potential health implications.

  9. I didn’t knew this info about microplastics in breast milk Untill I read this. Thanks for sharing it in details. And yeah right measurement should be taken.

  10. I really got alarmed when I came across this article! We need to switch to a greener lifestyle. Lest only God knows what would happen to our future generations!

  11. I didn’t know that humans can have these micro plastics. It’s really concerning. Not a mom yet but it was quite alarming.

  12. Very informative post for newly mothers. I would definitely share this with a few of friends who are going to be mother’s for a first time

  13. Now this is alarming! The purest form is the mother’s milk and look what we have done. Taking care of a few things that you have mentioned hope it solves the problem to some extent. Avoiding plastic and going for more natural things like steel or natural products would do much help. Hope this article finds everyone!

  14. Yes, it has been a very alarming finding that microplastics are being secreted even breast milk. So far we know they are omnipresent and are probably the cause of increasing hormonal imbalances and even malignancies, but this is alarming and unluckily we do not have any short-term measures to curb it.

  15. This is such a shocker! And an eye opener. We must begin to treat our life with more respect and care. I didn’t even know the inivisible impact of plastic. I am sure the newborn would face issues initially too. Good tips on how to be more careful.

  16. This is one of the most eye-opening articles, for sure. I had no idea that microplastics can be found in breast milk too. We need to seriously take action to prevent this plastic usage; otherwise, the end will come soon, for sure.

    1. This post is an eye opener for all women to start eating healthy not only for their new born baby but also for themselves. I am startled by the statistics and thanks for spreading the word.

  17. Kanchan Singh says:

    This blog really drives home the point that our choices have a direct impact not only on our own health but also on the health of future generations.
    As a mom, this information makes me want to learn more and take action to minimize our exposure to microplastics, not just for my own health but for the well-being of my child and the planet as a whole. It’s time to make conscious choices that prioritize health and sustainability.

  18. Zenobia Merchant says:

    OMG! Did I really read this? Such an informative and eye-opening post. I am alarmed to what this globalisation and modernisation has led to, breast milk containing microplactic particles. Hope we all stay protected from this.

  19. Oh my God! The blog title itself was quite scary! Never thought that breastmilk could also have microplastics – just shows the extent to which plastics have invaded our lives. The study you quote has quite a small sample size, I was wondering if any other large scale studies are being done to research this. And finally I am glad you mentioned at the end, that despite the presence of microplastics, breastmilk is still very important for new borns.

  20. Oh my god. I am terrible shocked. I am still breastfeeding mom. Yes, we eat, drink, and use almost everything is plastic in small or big amount. Though we take cares but not everything is tackle. I wanted to know the impact on babies. How can we solve?

  21. I had read this article in the newspaper and it’s damn scary! I have already started the journey of eliminating plastic from every possible aspect of our lives to save my two little girls.

  22. What a shocking revelation this post was. In the name of modernity, development and urbanization we have led ourselves to this peril. I hope more and more people learn about this and we can curb the ill effects of this as much and as early as possible. Really appreciate you doing your bit in not only spreading awareness regarding this but also suggesting way and means for mothers to prevent or curb this. As it is it must be overwhelming being a new mother and the added stress of feeding such milk to the baby would only make things worse. I’m sure this post would help overcome some anxiety at least. I’ll share it with my friends and family who are expecting or have just had a child.

  23. I hope this is not a strategy of ‘formula milk’ manufacturing companies to influence people. This big pharma thingy is quite scary and you never know what kind of strategies they come up with. Having said that, your post was an eye opener Anjali… who wouldv thought that breast milk would contain plastic… God! gives me the chills.

  24. Finding microplastics in breast milk is downright scary. We seriously need to rethink our reliance on plastic and make changes in our lifestyle before it is too late. An eye opening article indeed!

  25. Before reading this article, I used to downplay the impact of microplastics and at best avoided sea food only. However, this is a up and close with this information. I wonder 15 years down the line how serious could this be.

  26. Not sure how to react on reading this eyeopening article. it’s shocking and worrying things….

  27. This was something that got me thinking have never imagined microplastics end up in breast milk. food safety as a whole is a very vulnerable state.

  28. OMG..this is unbelievable for me. I am a grandmother now and I feel so dejected with the world we are giving them to live in. If breast milk is harmful, then what can we say about the air around us or the food we eat.

  29. this is surprising! I truly had no idea that this was even a possibility! you are right, creating awareness is an important step. we dont even realise that we are becoming plastic just because of the make up and clothes we wear, leave alone the containers and other things we use in our daily lives!

  30. Swati Mathur says:

    OMG this is quite alarming. I had no idea about the presence of microplastics in breast milk. Mothers breast milk is considered to be the most nutritious and if this can be contaminated then anything can. We need to be very cautious of what food we intake.

  31. Microplastics showing up in breast milk is a matter of great concern. Luckily, we can make conscious and informed choices to reduce the risk of microplastics getting introduced to the mother. Informative post and definitely something to ponder upon.

  32. This brought a shock to me cause I’m a breastfeeding mom but digging deeper into this made me understand. Thanks for sharing the details article

  33. I was aware of microplastics entering our bodies and posing a heath threat to humans but microplastics in breastmilk is an alarming discovery. Thank you for writing on this topic to spread awareness so that people can take practical steps to reduce exposure.

  34. It’s alarming to know this and at the same time also something that requires collective action. Unless we all take action against plastics, we are ruining the next generation.

  35. This is so shocking! Glad you talked about this topic. Mindful eating and living has become important now more than ever

  36. Priya Singh says:

    Its insightful yet alarming. I need time to fathom this fact.

  37. I had no idea about micro plastic being present in breast milk.its an eye opener .

  38. Unbelievable, but believe it! Has anybody thought about the safest way to feed babies is going do harm to them? The best milk can be a threat to them. Your post with the caution is going to be an eye-opener to many mothers, I am sure. Well done!

  39. Noor Anand Chawla says:

    This is really worrying news. I hope authorities around the world are able to tackle this problem in the coming years.

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