How to wean from breastfeeding

Weaning from Breastfeeding

There is nothing more special than breastfeeding your baby, but there comes a time when you need to get a few restful nights. It could bring a few bittersweet moments initially. You may miss this special time spend bonding with your Little one in the wee hours so, keep your mobile off, no TV, no other distraction, just you and your baby, because it’s a very special moment.

Thumb sucking habit in kids

Thumb Sucking Habit in Kids

It didn’t surprise me when I learned that my sister’s two-year-old daughter still sucks her thumb. Quite irksome to see your toddler sucking thumbs, isn’t it? Is it just a phase that all kids go through? Should we worry about this habit and do something about it?
So, this article is to let her and other new Moms like her, understand the habit of thumb sucking and how to help your kid get rid of this.

Life in pandemic

For Granted…

This famous saying reflects a paradox in our lives. I think we can all agree that it has been an exhausting week and month and year. we are struck with a global pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically altered our lives. Take, for example, our perceptions of space: our mobility has been drastically limited, reduced to jogs or walks a few kilometers around our homes. Perhaps less clearly, the lockdown has had an effect on our perceptions of time.

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