
Misconceptions New Bloggers Have: Truth

Misconceptions New Bloggers Have:Truth

The importance of blogging should not be overlooked. Even if a website does not rely on blogs as its primary source of revenue, blogs may boost a company’s online profile. This article goes through some of the common misconceptions new bloggers have about what goes into maintaining a blog. It will provide you with new insights into the process while also aiding individuals who are just starting their own blogs.

I am hopeful that if you continue reading, all of your issues about blogging will be dispelled.

Here are 10 misconceptions that new bloggers should be aware of:

1. Thinking Blogging is only writing.

Blogging is not only about writing; it’s more than that. Of course, quality material is necessary for blogging or podcasting, and content production is critical for the success of your site. Blogging, on the other hand, involves much more than just providing material. If you want to create a blog, you should have the design and layout sorted out first. To make your blog successful, you will need to learn a lot of technical stuff or pay someone else to do it. 

You must consider content distribution, audience growth, additional topics to cover on your blog, and how to optimize everything.
To make your blog a success, you must consider much more than just the content. No matter how amazing the material on your blog is, failing to pay attention to other areas of blogging is nearly bound to result in disappointment.

Misconceptions New Bloggers Have: Truth

Related Post: 10 Mistakes Bloggers Should Avoid

2. Each post must be flawless.

Blogging isn’t about perfection; in fact, you could argue that Blogging is more about flaws than perfection. Blog readers are aware that you are not the “The Times Of India” or “New York Times”. They are aware that you do not have two – three editors reviewing each post. They crave authentic content written by a human being in addition to adding value. And they want more of the same.
The foundation for growing an audience is a steady stream of new content. Each piece does not need to be flawless; it simply needs to be interesting and valuable to your target audience.
Overthinking and over-perfecting will keep you from completing tasks. When starting a new blog, you must keep going and pushing things forward.

3. Taking that first step can be the hardest

Taking the first step of creating a blog and publishing it to the world is probably one of the most complicated steps. It is not easy at all to put all your hopes and dreams on your blog and hit the publish button to share it with the world. The good news is that when you take about 2-3 months and look back, you will see that there was no big deal and that you really did not have so many reasons to be worried, but when you are at the MOMENT of publishing your blog… it is one of the steps more complicated.

4. Not much time is needed

Misconceptions New Bloggers Have: Truth

MUCH MUCH, MUCH MORE. People believe that having a blog entails only writing articles regularly. But it’s not. If you want to use your blog as a personal diary, that’s fine, but if you want to use it to make money, you’ll need to put in much more effort than you think! As a result, I always recommend that you choose a blog theme that you enjoy, are passionate about, and don’t mind creating content for years! Many bloggers begin by creating a blog about something “fashionable,” but it is often a topic that they dislike… They abandon it after three months! It’s like doing multiple tasks at once. So choose your Niche carefully.

5. WFH is easy

Misconceptions New Bloggers Have:

Working from home not only provides you with more time to focus on yourself, but it also has the opposite effect. When there is no separation between work and home, everything begins to merge. The sense of always being at work may be draining.

Though you are truly independent, it’s much more than just the benefit of getting to work in your pyjamas. Working from home means you’ll learn to rely on self-motivation, self-discipline, focus, and concentration.

Always keep in mind that to be more productive at home, you don’t need to work nonstop. Set your routine and try to take rest at regular intervals.

6. The research never ends

Misconceptions New Bloggers Have:

The thing is, research never stops. The definition of research is: “the activity of getting information about a subject.” Information is knowledge; knowledge is power. It’s a simple philosophy but very true. We have to try to come up with story ideas at home, at work, and on the road, and for this, we have to do a little research. 
Blogging takes a lot of courage to pursue. It’s not uncharted territory but can feel that way when you start your blog.

7. You Need to Post every day to See Any Traffic

This thought is completely false. You will need to post more frequently if you have a new blog with no content. If you want people to visit your blog right away, create consistent and frequent content. If possible, I recommend posting three times a week at a set time. For the first 12 months, I was able to do that for Messymom. After that, life got tough; I took on more freelance writing clients and had to cut back to once a week. Do your best. If that means creating content BEFORE you launch, by all means, do so. If that means posting once every other week, then do that. Simply be consistent.

Must Read: Personal Growth, It’s My Choice

8. Start a blog, and people will read it

What do you think it takes to be a successful blogger? A nice “blog” and a few intriguing blog posts? Is that it? In truth, that is merely the beginning point or foundation. Once you’ve created a blog, you’ll need to understand SEO, how to read and analyze analytics, and when to share on social media and interact with other bloggers. In reality, you must learn marketing, too – this is an important step in the journey to becoming a successful blogger.

9. Blogging is dead

For years, some have claimed that Blogging is dead (or at least dying) because there is just too much stuff online, and the amount of content is already rising much faster than our ability to absorb it. However, this does not “kill” Blogging. It may result in an increase in the percentage of blogs that fail. We still consume material online, and people like reading blogs. That implies there is still plenty of room for growth in Blogging.

10. Traffic only comes from Google

Google clearly excels at convincing consumers that they are the only, best, or easiest-to-use traffic source. It is quite risky as a blogger to neglect all of the various traffic sources accessible to you. Because Google traffic takes time to generate in most circumstances, it is far easier to build your search traffic if you have your content in front of an audience before Google sends traffic your way.

In reality, social media networks such as Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram and even Facebook drive significantly more traffic to many blogs than Google. And in many cases, the traffic they receive from Google is simply a byproduct of their popularity on social media. Don’t underestimate the power of social media if you’re thinking of creating a blog!

Moms, just do it!

Misconceptions New Bloggers Have:  Truth

Put your best foot forward and do it! Do not delay in creating your blog. Join right away. Do something now, like writing your first blog article. If you want Google to rank your blog quickly, you need to get it online as soon as possible.

Your turn: share whether or not you’ve just started a blog or if you plan to do so in the near future. If you, too, are under these blogging fallacies, I’d love to hear from you! Please remember to pin me!

Happy Blogging!

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.

This post is a part of Blogchatter Blog Hop 

Image source: Canva

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About Author

I am an energetic mom of two kids, still learning the ropes of it. I am so excited to start writing about tips, tricks, and advice on things of everyday life.

(23) Comments

  1. Rakesh Upadhyay says:

    It’s really a comprehensive sum up. Vivid and close insight into blogging thing.

  2. Anjali, I loved reading you. I am blogging for 6 years now and feel the same when I look back at new bloggers.

    1. Thanks a lot. I hope to learn from senior bloggers like you.

  3. This is a really great article on misconceptions of blogging. Many people are still confused about what blogging is and expect to turn it into a success overnight without working on it.

  4. Shefali Tripathi says:

    These points are really encouraging for blogging enthusiasts. If someone wants to excel in blogging, then these insights are worth following . I will try to keep these in mind while blogging.

  5. Loved the post. I think the same. Feeling sad for those who don’t Start blogging just because they have been told by youtubers that blogging is dead. IT IS NOT MY FRIEND;)

  6. Though I have studied social media expertise, i have learnt so many new things from this. Blogging is definitely not easy and involves lot of research no matter you’re in which category. Kudos to all the bloggers who puts their hardwork everyday ❤️

  7. Wow! This is such a great inspiration even for not-so-newbie bloggers like me. The “truths” you’ve highlighted are very much true and I can really relate to it. As ironic as it is, this actually inspired me to do more blogging! haha. Perhaps, knowing that I can see myself in all those you’ve said makes me feel that I’m on the right track. I just need to keep that consistency.

  8. Kriti says:

    These pointers are so
    For a person who is just starting blogging like me
    Thank you for sharing this

  9. Anjali your content spoke my heart .. people really don’t know what is blogging and call them bloggers and secondly WFH especially for ladies are taken so lightly by people as if it needs no efforts and we are doing time pass. Wonderful post

  10. This blogpost is an eye opener for all by putting forth the exact process of blogging.

  11. Sakshi Bindra says:

    Wonderful post for new bloggers. Very informative. Thanks for sharing.

  12. This is a very useful post, just to help new bloggers to strive and not give up. Such motivation is very few keep up the good work

  13. Anjali, you include almost every topic. When I was new to blogging I was undergo through the same issue. In fact writing consistent and content should be very well research is the most most important.

  14. Misconceptions! I am from Vijayawada where there are no bloggers at all. My friends look at me with disdain and think, poor you. They have no clue what blogging is all about. Your post is brilliant and hits home, totally.

  15. The insights are super useful for a new blogger! I myself have gone through so many doubts before publishing my first article and it was difficult to understand the concept of SEO and growing traffic. I still struggle with it sometimes.

  16. Absolutely. People think blogging is easy. It is a lot of work and can be a full-time job.

  17. So very true. A lot goes into it apart from just writing a post… although that is at the heart of it. And I completely agree about the posting everyday bit. Quality over quantity always.

  18. Great tips for anyone looking to start a blogging journey. However, I do have a different view on only one point – at the end of the day it is content that matters. So while you don’t have to use fancy language, you have to be grammatically correct at least. Goes a long way to improve your repeat visitors and eventually ranking.

  19. I am blogging since 2013 April. That makes almost 10 years now! So many myths and misconceptions. But let’s see ultimately who all would survive.

  20. Totally agree with you on this and on all the mentioned points, their are so many misconceptions on this topic thanks for clarifying all

  21. I so agree with your points, mostly on that point that blogging is dead. But people need to understand that blogging is good and important as it can increase website traffic, build trust with customers and expand a company’s brand. Marketing is constantly changing and using blogs as part of a marketing strategy is one way for organizations to reach current or potential customers — no matter the type or size of the business.

  22. Noor Anand Chawla says:

    Blogging definitely still has an important place in this world. You’re right – all one needs to do is take the first step and then it becomes a cakewalk!

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