बालों को झड़ने से रोकने और उन्हे स्वस्थ रखने के बहुत से आसान घरेलू उपाय प्रचलित हैं। आइए ऐसे ही कुछ आजमाए हुए उपयोगी घरेलू उपचारों पर नज़र डालें।
Positive Birth Affirmation
Congratulations Mom! The day has arrived for you to finally meet that tiny person about whom you have dreamed so much. Before you run to the hospital, don’t forget to read these “10 Phrases you need to read before delivery.”
Foods to relieve Constipation in Babies
As babies start eating solid foods, many babies can have problems with bowel movements, and feel bothersome constipation, they get irritable, which stops them from progressing with the meals that they can already start eating.
Homemade Baby Food Recipes
If your baby is 6 months old and your pediatrician recommended you to start introducing new foods as a complement to breastfeeding, but you don’t know which ingredients to start with, here I share delicious baby food recipes with the right ingredients that, in addition to being tasty, they are very healthy and nutritious.
How To Choose Best Diaper Bag
You have to purchase so many things when preparing for a baby; A stroller, diapers, swaddles, wipes, pacifier, and this list goes on and on. Getting things ready for your baby is truly a different feeling. Though it can be a lot of fun; it also takes a lot of research. It’s also important to keep things organized and know where things are kept in the diaper bag so that you aren’t anxiously searching when you are out with the baby.
Heroes in the Face of Adversity
The situation we are experiencing around the world due to the pandemic has completely shaken us. It shakes our social, economic, political, and educational structures. May it also shake our hearts and our attention.
Mother’s Day Celebration
All mothers in the world deserve a celebration in style on their day. And as always, you have two alternatives: make it a material gift or bring out your most sentimental side and write it some nice words.
How To Stop Putting Pressure On Children
What happens when we put pressure on ourselves and our children at the same time? Why do we want them to go faster than music? Why do we constantly anticipate their desires, their needs? Let’s ratify them as they are … #letthembechildren #letthembewild as they say on Instagram.
Happy International Women’s Day
We the women have a great responsibility in this world that we live in. We are the mothers, we are the educators, it is up to us to achieve gender equality in all areas. It is up to us to get out of violence, racism, ignorance. We have more power than we think and we don’t use it. I am not saying to become arrogant or authoritarian, but to help each other to stop being victims, and take the upper hand at once. We have many issues, such as: educate ourselves to lead, nurture ourselves to protect and guide our children, become a firm reference in society
DIY Mini Football Table for Kids
Have you ever thought about using a shoebox in a different way? Often these types of boxes go to waste or ends up creating volume inside our cabinets, but they can be used for various purpose, including this mini format kickers.