
Positive Birth Affirmation

Positive Birth affirmation

10 Phrases You Need to Read Before Delivery

Congratulations Mom! The day has arrived for you to finally meet that tiny person about whom you have dreamed so much. We understand how challenging this entire process has been, and we want you to know that you are incredibly brave. Before you run to the hospital, don’t forget to read this “10 Phrases you need to read before delivery.”

Being pregnant is an adventure; some days will be amazing, while others may leave you wondering whether you could do it, but here you are. You’ve arrived at your destination, and now it’s time to cross it. But, before you cross, take a few moments to read this.

Read Before Delivery

10 Phrases you must read before delivery

  1. You are ready; It has taken you 9 months to get here, and since you found out you were pregnant you have prepared yourself and have done everything you should and could do. Trust yourself.

  2. Your body understands how to bring this baby into the world in the same way that it knew how to create it and make it grow within you. Trust him.

  3. Your baby is ready. It has been 9 wonderful months where he has been trained to perfection, he has received the greatest love from you and is excited to meet you.

  4. Your doctors are ready too. They know what needs to be done and are prepared to do it. Have faith in them.

  5. Outside your family and friends are waiting for you and your baby with all the illusions in the world. Feel them.

  6. The power and pain of your contractions are not greater than you, they are part of you. You are that strong.

  7. The pain you are feeling does not compare to the joy you are about to feel.

  8. The moment when you feel like you can’t take it anymore will be the exact moment when the miracle happens.

  9. The only important thing right now is you and your baby. Leave out everything else. Live it up.

  10. Everything will be alright; do not be anxious.

New Mom

We all are well aware of the word ‘’Breastfeeding’’. Read this article on breastfeeding: https://messymom.co/breastfeeding-and-clogged-milk-ducts/

Now that you’ve read these “10 Phrases You Need to Read Before Delivery” and are full of positive thoughts, it’s time to cross over. You are about to transform. You will leave that place as a completely different person and full of superpowers; a new and better version of yourself, capable of doing things you never thought, more proud and stronger than you could ever dream of. We wish you the best in this new stage. Congratulations Mom! and welcome to the Messymom club.
Do not stop reading these 10 phrases to survive postpartum, everything will be much easier in those first days of your new life as a mother. If you liked these phrases, do not hesitate to share them, leave us your comments.
Don’t stress let’s clear the mess!!

Live it up

Don’t forget to read how to choose a diaper bag for a baby: https://messymom.co/how-to-choose-best-diaper-bag/

Good Luck Mom! you’re prepared for whatever turns birthing takes. Sending you empowered vibes, from Messy Mom!


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About Author

I am an energetic mom of two kids, still learning the ropes of it. I am so excited to start writing about tips, tricks, and advice on things of everyday life.

(17) Comments

  1. Such beautiful affirmations for the mother to be. Child birth is that phase which puts any mother into a sensitive state of mind. But with such words, she will gain the required confidence, peace of mind and calmness.

  2. Affirmations are powerful. They play a strong role in managing our emotions and thought process. Loved this list of positive affirmations for pregnant women. It will help them a lot to stay positive during sensitive phase of pregnancy.

  3. Such a beautiful post and I completely loved the way you presented it. So much positive vibe is there in the complete post

  4. The affirmations are a good way of training your mind to be fearless. Childbirth is a new life and labour is painful. So getting ready for it is so important. Good article!

  5. Nothing in the world can prepare you for the actual experience of becoming a mother, the first time. These are some really therapeutic and comforting phrases that are sure to stand the mother to be in good stead.

  6. Urvi Kunal Savla says:

    It’s a beautiful article. Affirmations are really helpful and important. Mothers who are about to give birth I really stressed and these affirmations will help them a lot.

  7. This is so beautiful post and nice information. I really feel to liked it. I am glad to know you shared that Positive Birth Affirmation. It will use and help peace and healthy. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Your affirmations list are awesome..it’s kind of my type content. Not for the delivery one but I am a strong believer on positive thinking and writing and I literally believe to attract good to think and write.loved this.

  9. This is very important especially when giving birth, well, the whole duration of your pregnancy actually. Always being on a positive perspective helps lighten up the pregnancy itself and this characteristic can somehow be felt by your baby even before birth.

  10. Khushboo says:

    It is such a beautiful article. I agree all the new Gina be mommies should read this positive affirmations daily

  11. Ruchi Verma says:

    Positive energy and affirmation is so much required in everyone’s life and I’m so happy to read this as it will help all new moms !!

  12. Thanks for sharing these. These affirmations will help the new mommies-to-be to gain more and more confidence, that’s for sure.

  13. Giving a birth is something that makes women happy and nervous too. These positive affirmations can help them alot. They can really take you to the other zone. Thank you for this powerful list.

  14. I was unaware of such strong affirmations. They will surely help a mother staying strong while delivery.

  15. Giving yourself a positive vibe right before delivery is very important. These positive affirmations will surely help.

  16. Wow. I so wish if I could say these positive affirmations just before delivery. My sister in laws,(brothers wife and husbands sister) are pregnant . I will apply it on them.

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