
Things to do before you turn 30

When I turned 30, I felt extremely self-conscious because I still felt like a child trapped in an adult’s body. I thought I’d put together a list of things I believe every woman should do before entering her thirties, hoping that it will make you more prepared for it than I was.

There are many things you should do before starting a new chapter in your life! Your twenties are all about having adventures, learning from your mistakes, and figuring out your path, but now you are heading to 30. Take a look at this bucket list before you turn 30, and make sure to check off all of the items on it! I dare you to complete all of these activities before 30.

“At 30 you finally start to catch up to those dreams you’ve been chasing for the last 10 plus years.” 

– Bonnidette Lantz

It’s all about creating lasting memories :

  • Stop worrying about your age. This is one of the most important things to start with.
  • Learn a new language
  • Find an amazing group of friends
  • Learn to Drive
  • Run a marathon
  • Travel alone and decide whether or not you like to travel without peer pressure.
Things to do before you turn 30
  • Establish real healthy habits, not just to look good in your Instagram or wedding photos.
  • Have monthly dinner parties with all those friends who have become your family.
  • Design a house that reflects your image, whether it’s a studio or a large villa.
  • Learn how to file your own taxes.
  • Trying new hobbies so that you have answers other than “watching TV” to the question “what do you do for fun?”
  • Become the strongest and healthiest version of yourself. Eat healthily.
  • Learn to cook.
  • Take your parents on a trip. You’ll never forget their priceless faces.
Things to do before you turn 30
  • Keep a diary
  • Learn how politics works in your country so you really know what’s going on.
  • Volunteer and make a difference in your community.
  • Going to the movies alone. Eat alone. Doing all those things that make you nervous because you’re single, alone.
  • Build a life that is based on your interests, goals, and loves (not things that someone else said you should be interested in, fight for, or love).
  • Build a library of the books that have shaped, stirred, and changed you.

Related post: If you ask the Universe for something, let it be Tools

Things to do before you turn 30
  • Fall in love with your career.
  • Make a list of things you’ve done, your travels, your accomplishments, and your adventures to look back on them when you feel left behind.
  • Pick one of your biggest weaknesses and actually work on it.
  • Find out your values and commit to honoring them as much as possible.
  • Sit with yourself. Getting to know yourself inside and out. Become so familiar with yourself that no one can shake you because of your strong self-knowledge and powerful identity.
  • Read blogs to stay informed about all health, pregnancy, and parenting-related topics so that you can assist others or yourself in the future. That’s very important.

This list can serve as a source of inspiration after living through a pandemic and having to put our lives on hold.

Learn to challenge yourself early in life, and you’ll be better prepared for the future. The best way to enjoy life is to live it to the fullest. Get started on your own bucket list today and see where it takes you before turning 30.

Image source: Canva

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About Author

I am an energetic mom of two kids, still learning the ropes of it. I am so excited to start writing about tips, tricks, and advice on things of everyday life.

(23) Comments

  1. That’s a wonderful list Anjali. These days we all say life is too short and so we should include these as early as we can. And if someone realizes it’s need after 30 then also it not late.

  2. This is a very nice list of things to do before 30. I guess these are things that we all hope to do in our lives, and the earlier we get going, the better.

  3. urvi savla says:

    I ve crossed the 30 mark but I would do all these things.. In fact I do some of these now. Its good that it says before 30 but really age is just a number????

  4. Anjali, this list for under 40 too, shall add many things in my life too. Travelling alone is the huge job, shall gather courage for it.

    1. Yes!! We need courage to travel alone, which is why starting before the age of 30 is best.

  5. 1. Stop worrying about your age: I am still a young college goer by heart.
    2: Learn a new language: I am actually learning one
    3: Find an amazing group of friends: I prefer a mix and match of friends
    4: Learn to Drive- I know driving but he is not giving me his car ????
    5: Run a marathon: I was an athlete but now slip disc dont permit me to run
    6: Travel alone and decide whether or not you like to travel without peer pressure: I enjoy travelling only and only with my partner. Because I enjoy exploring with him

  6. I’m on my mid-30’s so this actually is a bit too late for me but one thing’s for sure, all those written here can be done no matter what age you are in.Every aspect of it can help ones life to become better than yesterday. So if you’re still in your 20’s, try to do as much as you can from the list. Almost 20? You can do it! Above 30??? Oh, you can do it too!

  7. Wow these are really good points but why to restrict at the age of 30yrs? According to me their is no age limit to learn any new thing.

    1. Yea dear .. There is no age limit to learn any new things, but I am saying so because some I started late and enjoyed the changes and regret that why not started doing this earlier. I believe that girls should begin before the age of 30.

  8. wow so many creative ideas you have shared in this post. I also believe we should make a bucket list for each mile stone age and should celebrate life up to fullest by doing things which we love to do.

  9. Become the best version of yourself, that actually sums up all the things to do before turning 30. Of course, there is a lot more to learn and do beyond 30 as well, as after all learning never stops.

  10. Most of the people in their 30s are in a balanced state I feel, I can say being in this stage myself. This post is helpful and also a reminder for the things I have missed to do.

  11. That’s a nice list for youngsters. But i would add one more to the list, have kids before you turn 30 so they won’t have old parents hahaha. This is something I’m seeing around where we are more concerned about work and other things that we have kids when we are ready and already older. Don’t mind me, to each his own. But this thought just crossed my mind from experience.

  12. Beautiful and a lively post, I am considering a lot of things when turning 40. Yes, believing in we live just once so why not make it memorable is my fund for life.

  13. Thanks for compiling this list. I recently turned thirty and I’m glad I’m already doing few in your list.

  14. That is a cute list. I used to make such wishlists earlier, during my twenties. I had done a many things too.

  15. Lovely list of things to do. Its important to do these things rather than have them to do before a certain age. And I think anyone can cherish and do these things when they think it is right for them.

  16. I loved your list love, irrespective of age one must get these they are an absolute must.

  17. Kavita Singh says:

    I believe my 30’s are more comfortable and confident of my choices than in my twenties :). I absolutely loved the post.

  18. Wow these are really good points but i guess we should not restrict for any age limit to learn any new thing.

  19. That’s a fabulous list of things one shud do before 30. Unfortunately, I didn’t do any of this before 30… Some of this is still on my bucket list. Hope I get to do it before 40’s

  20. Very interesting info!Perfect just what I was searching for!

  21. […] Related post: Things to do before you turn 30 […]

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