
What Is An Inner Child & How To Nurture it?

What Is An Inner Child & How To Nurture it?
What Is An Inner Child & How To Nurture  it?
What Is An Inner Child & How To Nurture  it?
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I am an energetic mom of two kids, still learning the ropes of it. I am so excited to start writing about tips, tricks, and advice on things of everyday life.

(19) Comments

  1. What a beautifully explored blog! I appreciated the gentle reminder to acknowledge and embrace our inner child for emotional well-being. The tips provided are accessible and valuable for anyone seeking to reconnect with their inner child.
    Thank you for sharing these insightful reflections!

  2. I have done inner child healing many times and I find it a very therapeutic experience to wash out the traumatic emoitonal experiences and also the ignorance. You are so right about getting educated on childhood, it is so important to understand from where things stem.

    1. Thats a beautiful post about the inner child and the way you described those moments of little joy did make me feel good.

  3. It’s so true how we forget about our inner child while we’re busy adulting. I am always buried under deadlines, responsibilities, and the general chaos of life. I caught myself in the mirror one evening, and for the first time in ages, I really looked at myself. Not just the tired eyes and messy hair, but the spark of curiosity and wonder that used to light up my face as a child. It hit me then how much I’d lost touch with that part of myself—the part that used to ask questions, explore, and dream without limits.

  4. It is this inner child or unfulfilled emotional needs as we call in Psychology that can affect our behaviour in the adult world. We may be anxious because we were always rebuked or scolded for going wrong, we may find ourselves unlovable and may not feel confident if we felt neglected or rejected as a child.I think the most difficult part is this self-reflection part and then addressing it in different ways.

  5. You are right. In the race towards adult life, somewhere we leave the little child behind. And yes, caring and nurturing this little one can do wonders for our emotional health. Thanks for reminding about this.

  6. I got to know about inner child healing from my therapist. Understanding my inner child has helped me connect with myself on a deeper level.

  7. I feel we are all in a completion towards life. and during this journey we forgot what we really enjoy, Loved reading your post

    1. I am not too familiar with the medical term ‘inner child’ as I came across this form of psychological treatment only recently but if u talk about the child inside me Anjali, I think I have managed to retain it. But yes, many of us forget about it altogether as we get caught up in adulthood. Your post is a welcoming reminder to all of us to nurture the child in us.

      1. Love what you’ve written. Sometimes on the contrary though, my inner child kinda gets me into trouble. I am just afraid of that.

  8. Anjali yes, go for self reflections of my childhood days, but I have some deep scars from my childhood days which I guess I will not love to talk about in any forum or hop in my life, but it bleeds and pains a lot. All I ensure what I experienced my child should not experience. Coming to creativity… I paint, i write, I do clay bottle art and many more creative things and it actually soothes me from within. Mindfulness is there in life but meditation I tried and failed lot of times. I am observing life and changing shades of faces with my mindfulness and trying to keep me real in journey of life. I dont know what celebration of victories for me but enjoy my small victories and it makes me feel good just like a child. 🙂 Thankfully and in God’s grace I am still not in a state for therapy or professional help, i just ignore people, situation and moments tolling or stressing my emotions.. that’s the therapy for me. Yes, i educated myself about the impact of my childhood experiences on my adult life- I am strong, bold and dont take any nonsense anymore. I try to help people who are genuinely in need of it and If i find myself capable enough to resolve it. Yes my past taught me many things and I am taking more lessons from life on a daily basis —- and analysing the hidden faces behind many so called friendly faces and I am enjoying everyday the lessons of life. Its very interesting to know the shades of life- It helps to work on your errors of life and modify self for a better tomorrow. I am nurturing the child in me every day and your post assured me that i am in right track. A brilliant thoughtful post from you Anajali as always.

  9. This is a such a helpful read to make people aware of not just to make us aware of inner child and take care of it, but also on self-care and how important it is. I was also made of a new term TLC. Loved it, Tender Loving Care will be my everyday life motto now

  10. This was an interesting read. Nurturing our inner child is important but I didn’t realize it affects our emotional well-being too. I wasn’t aware of the inner child therapy. Something I need to look up.

  11. To maintain your inner child is the most important part of our adult life. It is the best way to heal our past wounds and keep us energetic. I have keep my inner child still and it does help me a lot.

  12. I can relate to this post really well.My dad used to always be like a child, even at 86 he would say I am 86 years young. He taught me how to stay childlike, be fascinated with the little joys of life, and spread smiles. I did have a few childhood traumas, but I got rid of the major ones through NLP. We all need reminders from time to time and your post does just that.

  13. Swati Mathur says:

    Nurturing inner child is a healing process and needs to be done all the time for better and fulfilling life. Your post is a reminder for all those who are struggling in managing healthy mental well-being.

  14. Adulting has its advantages and disadvantage. This feeling of adulting also fails to recognise the inner child that needs TLC. Wonder post with tips

  15. I appreciate the beauty of your post and the way you guided us about the inner child inside us and the need to keep it alive. In the hustle and bustle of work or stress, we forget to live as a child. So one should make it a habit of nurturing the inner child inside us.

  16. Noor Anand Chawla says:

    These are invaluable lessons. Thank you for shining a light on them.

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