
Why We Need to Stop Comparing Kids

Why We Need to Stop Comparing Kids

Comparing kids is like trying to fit quirky puzzle pieces that you just can’t fit into the same slot. One might be all about that sports life, running around like a mini-bolt, while another’s deep in their art zone, doodling away like there’s no tomorrow. Then there’s the bookworm, buried in stories like a cozy blanket, and the social butterfly, flitting from friend to friend like a hyperactive bumblebee.

I believe that they’re like a mixed bag of candy, each with their own flavor, keeping life sweet and oh-so-interesting.

You remember my post Dear Parents: Stop Comparing Your Child With Others about why we shouldn’t compare kids, right? Well, today, I again touch that subject with a cool poem called “Comparing Little Wonders”. It’s all about celebrating the quirks and unique vibes of two siblings. I mean, if my two kiddos are so different from each other, how can I ever compare them with their buddies or classmates?

Why We Need to Stop Comparing Kids

Wrap Up:

Ah, the bittersweet world of siblings! “Comparing kids” gives us a little peek into how each of our kids is wonderfully unique, even with their siblings. With all their little quirks and adorable disputes, every kid brings their own special light into our worlds.

So, if our own little ones are so incredibly different from each other, it seems wild to even think about comparing them to their buddies, doesn’t it? Let’s keep on cheering for their individuality and embracing every little journey.

Hats off to every unique, irreplaceable little star out there!

This post was created for the Blogaberry Creative (Monthly) Challenge.

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About Author

I am an energetic mom of two kids, still learning the ropes of it. I am so excited to start writing about tips, tricks, and advice on things of everyday life.

(21) Comments

  1. Well said Anjali. This is why individual strengths matter. And this is why the world has so many people working in teams. Focussing on the child’s strengths and giving him/her a boost in those areas will be an excellent way to bring them up.

    1. wonderful dear. I always say to people that each child is unique and blessed and that’s what makes them who they are. Much needed post dear.

  2. Every individual is unique. Kids are not exception. Unfortunately, parents tend to push kids on the beaten path in the hope of material success often with unfortunate consequence. While not every one is cut out for greatness, we must still let them choose their path. One cannot deny beneficial effect comparison to some extent, but one has to be careful what is benefitting a person and what is daming his self worth.

  3. So beautifully explained and that poem, uff!

  4. I like your poem. It is relatable. I still sometimes compared my kids with each other though they have a big age difference. I am trying to get rid of the habit.

    1. Each human being is unique and has own strengths and weaknesses. As a parent it’s our role to let the child explore themselves rather than bound and burden them with our choices.

  5. We need to be reminded again and again that all kids are different. Our children are suffering because of the difference in the behavior of the parents towards their children. Even I do it sometimes and later repent for my mindless behavior.

  6. You spoke about a very serious topic about comparing kids. I have grown up seeing comparison of teachers, parents, neighbours and many other. No person is same and all have their unique qualities and as parents we need to help them shine with their own qualities and capabilities. The worst I witnessed is comparison by teachers… the first girl or boy always gets the chance to be the apple of the eye for the teachers and gets the best attention. But in reality the job of a teacher is to help the mediocore students outshine with their hidden talents. God knows when will the world understand comparison is bad.

  7. Wow, that was an impressive read. Well, all I will say is every kid is unique. Every single kid.

  8. It is wrong to compare kids. I faced this as I grew up and decided that I shall fight against this. I have never compared my kids and accepted their personalities as they are.

  9. Humaira says:

    Rather than comparing kids , celebrate their strength. Help kids to develop their unique talents. Give them a sense of pride. Focus on tracking kid’s achievements rather than comparing to anybody else.

  10. Loved the poem! Well said! Back in our days we were constantly compared. Now I ensure to make conscious effort to not and ensure my child is mentally happy. Once again, I loved the poem!

  11. I loved your poem. It captures the essence of two siblings who are usually so different. I have only one kid but I have often heard mums with 2 or more kids say what your poem brings out. Comparing does more harm than good; I think our generation fares better in this than the times when our parents and teachers used to always compare.

  12. Very well penned, Anjali. Enjoyed reading it. The poem was so apt. Times have changed since I was a kid and we have to move with the times.

  13. This article didn’t disappoint! Upon reading the title, you can say that I’m completely drawn to it already. I can completely agree with you on this, having experienced it myself. I guess we as parents should be more mindful especially with this bad trait.

  14. Awww… such a sweet little poem Anjali😊. No matter how much we try, sometimes it just comes out for eg. Although I am against comparing, tgere are instances when I end up telling my elder one that her younger sister is much more responsible… is that comparing? 🤔
    Nonetheless, thank you for this reminder post Anjali❤… I will be more mindful.

  15. I loved the poem and the analogies. Each child is different. Comparisons are bound to happen out in the world. When it does at home, it has a lifelong impact on the child.

  16. Loved the poem you wrote. My two kids are completely different from each other. Expecting one to be like the other would not have helped them at all. Each child is different.

  17. I also truly believe no 2 kids can be compared. The same goes to Adults even if they work in the same firm, each from the other is unique with their own strengths and weaknesses like wise it stands for kids.

  18. I loved the poem, and I must say you narrated this topic in a detailed way. We should not compare kids, as each of them has their own abilities and specialties to be qualified in the life game.

  19. Noor Anand Chawla says:

    I wholeheartedly agree with you and I’m glad you penned this lovely poem.

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