
10 Mistakes New Bloggers Should Avoid

10 Blogging Mistakes to Avoid for beginners

Since I was once in your shoes as a new blogger, I’ve compiled a list of 10 mistakes new bloggers should avoid. I wish someone had told me about them. In my experience, that’s normal; almost every new blogger experiences this.

Blogging is simple, but it is not easy—and far too many people get into it thinking that all they have to do is publish some content, and the traffic and leads will pour in.

Writing blogs to drive organic traffic requires planning and persistence. In other words, it will not happen without a plan and will not produce instant success.

Blogging should be a passion and can be extremely rewarding. However, it can also be exceptionally frustrating, and all bloggers agree that blogging is not for everyone.

As a blogger, you will sometimes wonder if it’s all worth it, and other times you just feel like you’re not going to make it. “I can’t think of a new topic.”

When you begin to create high-quality content, avoid these common blogging mistakes that can doom your blog and undermine your success. if you’re familiar with them, you can easily avoid them.

Must read: Personal Growth, It’s My Choice

10 Mistakes New Bloggers Should Avoid

1. Blogging on a free platform

Although free blogging platforms such as Blogger and are appealing, they have numerous limitations. I used Blogger for several months before moving to self-hosted (which is paid and not confused with To be fair, it is simple for beginners to learn and simple (and inexpensive) to make the site look professional.

2. Ignoring security

If you want your blog to be perfectly secure, you must obtain a security certificate (or SSL). The use of an SSL certificate ensures the privacy of your blog’s visitors. When running a blog, it is critical to keep your website secure to:

  1. Increase your blog’s credibility and gain the trust of your readers.
  2. Prevent data leakage or hacker attacks.
  3. Improve your search engine rankings—secure sites rank higher on Google than non-secure sites.

3. Complicated blog name

One of the most common mistakes in blog names is that bloggers choose words with no meaning or long names.

The first thing a visitor sees after landing your blog is your domain or blog name. Always take the time to consider the best blog name for your niche. After all, who wants to change their blog name again and again?

4. Ignoring SEO

10 Mistakes New Bloggers Should Avoid

Ignoring SEO and optimization is a big mistake when starting a blog. Your blog can be near the top of search results thanks to SEO. As a result, before publishing your blog, you must optimize it for search engines.

Yoast SEO and All In One SEO is by far the most popular SEO plugin for WordPress.

5. Posting irregularly

Many new bloggers give up regular blogging at the start of their journey. Beginners will sometimes write a few welcome posts and then do nothing else while waiting for the first interested readers to arrive.

When you have an idea for your blog, write it down somewhere you can find it, such as in your journal, so you can come back to it later. This also works well with quotations. If you come across something that moves you, jot it down in your journal.

6. Not focusing on a niche

One of the new bloggers’ most common mistakes is not focusing on their niche or blog topic. Bloggers in their early stages frequently focus on a wide range of issues. Don’t try to cover topics like healthy eating, fashion, parenting, and cooking on your single blog. Too many problems and giving their solution are not a good way to begin your blogging journey. Instead, narrow your focus and become an expert in that area.

7. Not collaborating with other bloggers

A common blogging mistake made by new bloggers is having too much independence. Sure, this is a good way, but sometimes (especially early in your career), it’s a good idea to seek advice from more experienced bloggers. This lets you meet interesting people, learn from your co-bloggers, and start working together in ways that will help you in the long run. 

If you’re a new blogger with no connections, you may need to take some basic steps to connect with and build relationships with other bloggers.

8. Not engaging on social media

Most new bloggers don’t engage on social media. This is a big mistake because social networking sites can help you make personal contact with people who are interested in almost any niche. As a result, you should immediately join and post articles in all groups that connect people interested in your blog. Otherwise, your readers might not take your blog seriously.

10 Mistakes New Bloggers Should Avoid

Use social media to promote your blog. For obvious reasons, it is best to begin with, Facebook and Instagram. This is the simplest method for increasing traffic to your website.

9. Lack of valuable content

There is a lack of valuable and substantive content in today’s blogs. Unfortunately, many aspiring bloggers copy content from other blogs without adding value to their own. Only use verified information in your blog posts; always credit the original post.

10 Mistakes New Bloggers Should Avoid

10. Post with no image

Images are powerful because they capture attention and are at the heart of the message you want to convey. 
Including visual elements in your blog post boosts engagement and shareability. Images in blog and social media posts get more views, engagement, and shares.


It’s easy to set up a Blog. However, the flood of ‘expert’ blogging advice can be overwhelming and confusing. I’ve straightforwardly written this so that you can better understand it. Avoid making these common mistakes in the first place.

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Have you committed any of the above mistakes in your blogging journey?

Image source: Canva

This post is a part of Blogchatter Blog Hop

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About Author

I am an energetic mom of two kids, still learning the ropes of it. I am so excited to start writing about tips, tricks, and advice on things of everyday life.

(31) Comments

  1. A very good post!

    1. Thanks for stopping by.

    2. Megha Bajpai says:

      Very good information for the beginners , I am a beginner youtuber and still all points are very relatable to me also . You explained very well . Thanks for this nice share .

  2. Images attract the reader before the headline of the post. I agree that it’s important to add relevant images and sharing on social.

  3. Rashmi Rama says:

    Very good information for the beginners.People who are new to blogging this information can be very useful and can avoid doing minor mistake

  4. One of the biggest mistakes that new bloggers make is trying to be perfect. They think that in order to be successful, their blog posts need to be flawless and forget the important factors mentioned here. If they avoid these pitfalls and they’ll be well on their way to success!

  5. Appreciate all this great points you’ve highlighted. I still consider myself as a newbie blogger and your tips gave immensely valuable information I need to make my blog a better one.

  6. Agreed to every points you mentioned in this post, but in regards to point 6 and 7, i will say multi niche is OK if you plan it well. You should start with a niche , establish in that and then spread wings with other segments…. that’s the way news, and entertainment portal works. For no 7 these days we all are collaborating with each other and supporting each one of us to grow.

  7. These are some really sensible tips for the mistakes new bloggers should avoid. Most of us have learned from our mistakes and are wiser for them. We too had started with a free blogging site and soon shifted to our own domain.

  8. These practices make life easy for bloggers and freelancers like us. Also, the better our blog performs better the chances for us to do much more than what’s only expected.

  9. Thank you for these suggestions. You’re doing a great job. I have learnt alot from this and would definitely try to work on it.

  10. Very useful tips! I would definitely agree on posting consistently it’s so important so your followers can keep up with your content

  11. What an insightful article for bloggers who just started their journey. Being consistent and Engaging in social media or even collaborating with other bloggers always help to grow faster ❤️

  12. These tips are so insightful for bloggers who recently started their journey. Being consistent, Engaging on social media and collaborating with other bloggers always helps to grow faster

  13. Khushboo says:

    These are really some great points for the new bloggers. Engaging on social media and posting consistently is really very important.

  14. I completely agree with everything you said in this post – these are some great tips for new bloggers to avoid making common mistakes. Many of us have learned from our past experiences and become wiser as a result.

  15. These are some very valuable tips for new bloggers. We have to be consistent with our content and also sticking to a niche helps a lot.

  16. Ruchi Verma says:

    These are really such great pointers that every blogger should keep in mind. Thanks for sharing all this!!

  17. This is such a great list of mistakes that most new bloggers made. I am glad you have talked about security factor too. most of new bloggers forget that point. also, engaging with blogging community is must to learn new thing and it also make us feel connected.

  18. I love your list dear and most importantly the ninth point, your blog must add value otherwise there won’t be any reason for you to stand out and invest so much labor.

  19. […] Related Post: 10 Mistakes Bloggers Should Avoid […]

  20. Humaira says:

    Very good information for the beginners.People who are new to blogging this information can be very useful.

  21. Shreemayee Chattoppadhyay says:

    That’s such a useful post to help the beginners in this field. I agree all the points you’ve mentioned here.

  22. These are some of the wonderful tips you have shared for newbies. Blogging is not just a job , it’s an art which need to be performed carefully and honestly.

  23. absolutely agree with you on all points. and especially with social media, in this time, social media is the key to success. great post buddy

  24. You’ve covered everything perfectly! Simple things like an image and a good but uncomplicated blog name have a good recall value. Investing in a domain is important.

  25. Thank you Anjali for compiling the common mistakes ,these are definitely gonna help not make these mistakes and have a successful journey

  26. It is very importamt to connect in the blogging world and focusing on niche is very vital which few blogs lack.

  27. People who are new to blogging this information can be very useful and can avoid doing minor mistake

  28. I have made all these mistakes when I started my blogs. Had I been directed by someone like you I wouldn’t have made such blunders.

  29. Thank you for sharing such resourceful tips. Will surely keep an eye on these mistakes and will ensure that I don’t stumble upon them.

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