
10 Things Every New Dad Should Know

10 Things Every Dad Should Know

Mom and Dad, say goodbye to your old routine. Here I’ve mentioned 10 things every new dad should know about a woman who becomes a Mother.

When a baby is born, a mother is also born. You have heard this phrase many times and this phrase has been explored in advertising and repeated to exhaustion is insufficient. New perspectives, a different family, and, invariably, a father are also born along with the baby.

The tasks will be divided more than ever, but life will not be exact because the woman who took nine months to give birth to a new being will be changed.

What does the new dad need to know about this woman who introduces herself as a mother?

Self-esteem will be shaken

Although there is a strong acceptance of the changes that pregnancy causes in the body, the truth is that it will no longer be the same.

That belly that has been stretched out for nine months will also return to its normal position gradually. Some will not return.

Every new mom will look in the mirror and see a different woman. More than feeling uncomfortable when trying to fit into her pre-pregnancy dress or pants, the woman wants back to fit into new patterns. Some will feel more, while others will feel less.

Being a mother of fear

Being a father too, isn’t it? Look at that creature, so completely dependent on you, so small and yet so grand.

Yes, try to reason as if your world consisted solely of you and the baby. How do you want to be treated? What causes you to panic? What gives you peace of mind? That’s exactly how she feels.

The baby will be the centre of her universe

As soon as the babies are born, the pattern of the woman’s life is governed by babies needs, and the dedication becomes truly exclusive. It’s a normal change.

For a partner, it’s not the time to demand the attention you had before the baby was born. It’s also not the time to talk about the relationship because it’s not the same.

Partners must make greater efforts to care for newborns while putting their own priorities aside.

Don’t let her justify herself

Whenever a baby is born, everyone starts giving advice or educated guesses about how to handle the child. Make sure that her views will be respected no matter who questions her. Do what you think is best for your little one.

Don’t make her feel that she has to justify her decisions to everyone. Make it apparent to her that you are with him and everything will go well.

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New moms are easily irritated

Irritation can occur for a variety of reasons. Might be because of painful breasts, the big belly that hasn’t gone away, or because of lack of sleep.

Caring for a child is, indeed, a demanding job. Make sure you devote all of your free time to her and the baby.

New moms are easily irritated

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Try to give new mom proper rest

When you have her at home, switch roles. When your infant cries, stay close by. Do diaper changes, take over baths, or do chores like washing and cooking.

Maintain your presence by her side and, whenever possible, take over the task of dealing with the baby more strongly. New moms may require some downtime to unwind. She may never tell you this, but you must understand it.

Things Every dad Should Know

New mom thinks she has superpowers

You think you understand her but you don’t, no matter how much she tries to show that she can handle the new routine on her own, the reality is different.

Even if you get a polite NO, always offer to assist, and keep insisting.

She loves you

Perhaps she has even more admiration for the man who became a father right in front of her eyes. Reinforcing, you are no longer two, but a family and your priorities have shifted. Everyone shows themselves in those moments of upheaval, so why not do your best?

Talk to your partner

10 Things Every Dad Should Know

Yes! Speak with your partner. Inquire if you notice her being resentful, angry, or upset. No matter how close you were, before the baby was born, you both cannot read each other’s minds. Both of your lives have changed, and you need to talk about what’s bothering both of you.

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Dont hesitate to seek help

Don’t hesitate to seek help, support is most often just a request away from you. Look around, you have trustworthy friends and relatives who may help. You would be surprised to see how many people out there are happily willing to extend a helping hand. Calling on and friends for extra help is another way to reduce stress.

Make this your Mantra: Let me help you with this.

Image source: Amazon, Unsplash

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About Author

I am an energetic mom of two kids, still learning the ropes of it. I am so excited to start writing about tips, tricks, and advice on things of everyday life.

(12) Comments

  1. This is such an insightful post for all the new dads. Giving birth is not a joke. There is a lot that turns upside down in a woman’s life. And in this juggling act, sometimes she don’t recognize herself. Such time, what she needs is little bit f understanding from her partner.

  2. Those are really good tips for new dads. We somehow forget that the dad also goes through changes with the birth of a baby. And handling those changes in a mature way is so important.

  3. yes new moms face many challenges ranging from lack of sleep to not getting me time. she needs support from close family members and specially from her partner. you have shared great tips for new dads. it will help them to understand the things that a new mom go through.

  4. A new mom. Has a million things running on her mind. She needs a good moral support from her better half to sail through smoothly. This post will definitely make new dads understand.

    1. This is a post that every husband should read. Knowing this and incorporating it in the life could change many a lives .

  5. This is a post which all new dads should read and understand. I m sharing it with my friends who became new mom and should make the new dad understand this aspect

  6. Aakriti says:

    This post is a must for every new father. Women need support and understanding from their partners post delivery

  7. The birth of a child is a special event for both parents. It is also a challenging time and a good understanding between the parents helps. As a dad, sensitivity and understanding of the change in their lives is so important.

  8. So many things changes after child birth. These changes are reflected in relation of husband wife too. This is an amazing post. Thank you for sharing these points here.

  9. Love this!!! When it comes to pregnancy, most of us especially ladies do a ton of research to get loads and loads of what to expect and what to do in every scenario that can be thrown to us. Most men play it cool. Surely, saying “WE” are pregnant isn’t enough. Doing their own research so they too could be prepared for their precious one only shows their dedication to parenthood as well. This is all we need anyways, the thought of each one doing their best to be the best parent one can be.

  10. Those are really great tips for new dads . Often they get confused about their responsibility in the beginning.

  11. Well written article. Going to share it with my hubby. So that he can read it and implement it in his fatherhood.

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