
Tips for returning face to face classes

Back to school

As you all know that schools are reopening after a year and a half since the epidemic halted the restoration of face to face classes across the country. So, here are some tips for returning face to face classes for you all to consider.

We went insane due to online classes, and when I say we’ve gone insane, I’m speaking from both ends of the spectrum: as a mother and as a teacher.

Tips for returning back to school

Now that back to school has been approved, many aspects of the educational setting must be rethought to welcome youngsters, rescue those who have lost motivation, ensure safety, and strive to reduce the impacts of socioeconomic disparity as much as possible.

The return to face to face classes is already a reality for some schools. Others will take time. In any case, these tips for returning face to face classes are for everyone.

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I want to help you with some tips for this new school year.

Taking care of the masks

Take care of the mask

Encourage your kids to wear the mask for short periods at home and especially in public, gradually increasing the length of time they can tolerate it. Provide them with additional masks for school.

Encourage proper hygiene

Encourage frequent hand washing by singing a song, or telling a few jokes while doing it. Set house rules about this habit. Make sure to pack two small sanitiser bottles for school.

Maintain proper hygiene

Help him socialize with other children again

During this stay-at-home time, children across the country have stopped playing and socializing in person with their peers. Now is the time to reorient them to do so safely. Take them to the play area near you and help them socialize with their friends. Emphasize social distancing, hand sanitizing, and the use of masks.

Resume a regular sleep schedule

Many students have had different sleep schedules during the holidays, but when school reopens, they have to get up early. Try to stick to a consistent bedtime routine and avoid electronic devices. Make sure they get enough sleep. 

Tell your teacher about your concerns and questions

Your “teachers” are there to help you and give you the attention you need. They are your allies and supporters. They are ready to assist you if your child is feeling overwhelmed or has any worries about returning to school.

You may discuss openly and honestly with your teachers, whether you or your child are overburdened by coursework or simply concerned about readjusting to face to face classes.

Talk to your child

Explain that we are all in this together, that no one has all the answers in these times of COVID-19, but that scientists, health experts, parents, teachers, and other authorities are doing everything possible to ensure the health and safety of all. As you assist your child in preparing to return to school, remind them that facing challenges can make them stronger.

Prevents Separation Anxiety

After spending many months at home, children may feel nervous about going back to school and being separated from their families. 

Discuss it with your kids when they get back to school. Share ideas for making her/him feel more at home, such as putting their favourite snacks and cute notes in their lunch box.

How are you feeling?

Check-in with your child regularly and encourage them to be aware of their own health. If they begin to feel ill, they should notify you before going to school. In addition, if they begin to feel ill at school, they should notify their teacher.

Check temperature

Be available to your little one

Your son or daughter can react to changes in various ways. You need to be available and ready for it. He or she could even misbehave. However, keep in mind that night is an excellent time to listen to them and inquire about how they felt in class.

Be available to your kids

Finally, one aspect of returning to school that I believe will differ is the students’ autonomy.

They had to get by without the assistance of a teacher, and in many cases, without the assistance of their parents, and this reversal may have generated a very delicate characteristic in this new generation’s independence.

It is impossible for a teacher with 20 or 30 kids to ensure that everyone has changed their masks, cleaned their hands, and so on.

It is the responsibility of parents to teach these youngsters to wash or sanitize their hands regularly, to care for their masks, and to keep and demand distance.

Returning face to face classes

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Essentials to be added to your child’s back to school supply list:

  1. Hand sanitiser
  2. 1 or 2 spare Mask
  3. Resealable bag for the spare mask (label it with your child’s name )
  4. Pocket size Tissues
  5. Water bottle
  6. Tiffin
  7. Classroom basics

Important: Tie your child’s hair properly; keep their hair out of their face and, along with it, their hands.

Children learn fast. Always keep in mind that fathers and mothers are role models for their children. So give them the security they need in these still difficult times for the world.

Do you think you can contribute with any more advice? Share it in the comments.

UNICEF also released its recommendations for a safe return to schools. If you want to see them, click on this link.

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About Author

I am an energetic mom of two kids, still learning the ropes of it. I am so excited to start writing about tips, tricks, and advice on things of everyday life.

(12) Comments

  1. I remember thinking about these when my kids started in person school. It’s hard to believe that earlier how kids used to go carefree to school and not have to remember extra instructions but looks like this has become our routine now.

  2. Getting back to face to face classes is going to be hard for kids. It has been such a huge gap and will surely need some preparations. These are really good pointers.

  3. As a parent I feel one of the biggest challenges that kids are facing is socialising again and starting from the scratch. This pandemic has changed their lives overnight and it is extremely important to not push them beyond their capability. I really like the pointers shared by you here. This post will help many parents prepare their kids for offline schooling.

  4. It gives me anxiety attack thinking of sending them to school again. I will keep your tips on mind

  5. With the school starting these precautions are a must. Your tips are very helpful and your ready list makes things easy.

  6. After keeping our kids safe for such a long time indoors, it’s indeed tough to send them out again. But it’s also necessary for kids to get back to physical school so yes, taking all the precautions that you have mentioned, we should prepare our kids be out again

  7. I loved your take on essentials to be added to a child’s ‘back to school’ supply list. Once children resume going to a physical school, it will take time until everything gets normalised.

  8. A much needed post especially when schools are opening up. Definitely should reach many parents. Thanks for sharing

  9. With schools starting soon physically it’s imperative to teach all precautions to kids. We need to prepare them from right now so that they maintain hygiene and precautions.

  10. Milan Singhal says:

    I am still anxious about sending my kids to school. they might have to start next month; this blog has helped me mitigate my fears to some extent.

  11. This post answers many doubts we have deliberating every day when it comes to back-to-school issue. with precautions and right guidance, this too shall pass and kids will be back in the regularity.

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