
Why Kids need to Spend Time With Grandparents?

Why kids need to spend time with grandparents?

Have you ever thought about why kids need to Spend Time With Grandparents?

Think again if you believe no one can love a child more than their parents. Not only do grandparents love their grandkids without condition, but they also impart essential life lessons from the lessons they’ve learned.

Those who grow up with grandparents are exceptionally fortunate since their relationship with them is special and helps shape their personalities and character. Though it is undeniable, several studies support this idea.

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Why Kids need to Spend Time With Grandparents?

Spending time with grandparents affects children in various ways, including physical, emotional, cerebral, and social development.

Grandparents’ love and kindness live on even after they’re gone, guiding us as best they can from within. Having them in our lives, especially as children, is crucial because they help us grow up and feel safe emotionally.

Greater linguistic competence

Evidence suggests that children raised with grandparents learn vocabulary faster than those reared in daycare.

Better socio-emotional development

The influence of the special bond between young children and their grandparents is difficult to quantify. Still, studies have shown that having actively involved grandparents helps children build confidence, cope with stress, and have fewer behavioural disorders as they age.

Spending time with Grandma Can Help Reduce Ageism.

Ageism is a major problem today. Neglecting or ignoring the elderly just because of their age. It is unacceptable to maintain animosity toward anyone without a valid reason, and this includes avoiding or disregarding the elderly just because they are aged.

Spending time with grandparents can significantly lessen ageism in young people.

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They teach values ​​and morals.

Why Kids need to Spend Time With Grandparents?

Parents want their children to have good manners and values, but the teachings that grandparents teach their grandchildren are absorbed far more deeply. Grandparents’ life experience and dedication pay off in lessons made possible by their wisdom.

Grandparents are the best caregivers after parents

After the parents, grandparents are the people who love the most and can ensure the care and safety of their grandchildren. You will not have to worry about your children’s well-being if they are with their grandparents because they will undoubtedly receive the best care.

Grandparents Can Help You Understand Your Family History

Every family is unique in its makeup and journey. Teaching grandchildren about their ancestors and their family’s hardships and achievements helps them better understand their family’s history.

Why Kids need to Spend Time With Grandparents?

Grandparents pass down old family artefacts such as photo albums, secret family recipes, and unique treasures that grandchildren would undoubtedly love and learn from.

Grandparents Provide a Better Understanding of Parents

It’s common for parents only to have a partial memory of their childhood, whereas grandparents recall every detail. Grandparents might provide amusing recollections about their childhood that parents may not remember. These are priceless to children because they truly humanize their adored parents. Memories can help a youngster better understand their parents while also interacting with their grandparents through story-time.

Unlimited Snuggling from Grandparents.

Hugs not only increase feelings of safety, support, and security, but they also cause the release of oxytocin in both participants. This means that when a grandparent squeezes a grandchild, their brains release a neurotransmitter that promotes feelings of love, connection, and bonding.

It is a win-win situation.

It is a win-win situation that results in happy children and delighted grandparents.

When grandparents interact with their grandchildren, they remain linked to the world as it is now. Listening to the opinions of younger people, learning to shoot a selfie, attempting to make sense of that new music, ordering a cab online, or traversing countless YouTube searches to learn a new recipe; none of these tasks appears difficult when you have your own little helper to guide you.

Why It's Important for Kids to Spend Time With Grandparents

Seeing our parents interacting with our children and having a good time is a source of great pride and happiness for all of us. Spending time with someone they love boosts their self-esteem and happiness. I pray that the bonds they’re forming will last a lifetime.

Have you seen any positive changes in your child’s behavior or attitude after spending time with their grandparents? Share your experiences in the comments below.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Mads’ Cookhouse.

Image source: Canva

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About Author

I am an energetic mom of two kids, still learning the ropes of it. I am so excited to start writing about tips, tricks, and advice on things of everyday life.

(26) Comments

  1. I totally agree with you. As a teenager myself I am spending a lot of time with my grandparents. They teach me so many things. My grandfather taught me the value of culture and history. My grandmother taught me how powerful God is. Their stories are so inspiring.

  2. A very well written article. Studies have indicated that living in multi-generational households can strengthen bonds between family members, reduce the risk of developing mental health issues, and even extend lifespan for those aging grandparents. So if we can take a moment to fit it into our busy schedules, spending time with grandparents will truly be beneficial for everyone involved!

  3. Spending time with grandparents is great for inculcating values in kids. In joint families, this used to be taken for granted, but with nuclear families, this is something everyone craves for.

  4. Time spent with grandparents are special. I’m blessed to have spent time with all my grandparents when I was little. I love telling stories, especially to my parents, about short clips I can remember about them. I think it makes them remember more of their parents also. It’s unfortunate that nowadays, our daughters don’t get to spend that much time with their grandparents as much as we want to.

  5. Agree with almost all the points. And while reading this it took me back to my childhood where i spent most of the time with my grandma and grandpa. Their parenting is way more better ❤️

  6. Anasua Basu says:

    Really grandparents are my asset. My entire life grew so well with them that i too got to learn so many things from them and still carry those impacts in my life. Also, the part where you mentioned how staying with them gives benefits and o many other things are really commendable.

  7. I don’t have a nanny, so I solely rely on my parents to take care of my kids. Yes, there are innumerable advantages of being brought up by grandparents.

  8. I do believe staying with family straighten the bond and equally good for emotional development in kids. But now days there are some family where grandparents do not want to stay with kids. They do not want to take responsibility. But they do not aware they are making their own loss too.

  9. Kaveri Chhetri says:

    I agree with a lot of what uv written Anjali. I was brought up in a house where my grandma was the head. Much of what I am today is because of her. She was very strict but solid. My kids have grown up in a nuclear family and they haven’t been lucky in that regard but they did have a blast when my mum n aunt were in Bangalore recently😀

  10. I totally agree with you. I have grown up with grandparents both the sides and my moms side grandparents are still alive and I still enjoy the same treatment with them as I did when I was a kid and whatever maybe my equation with my in laws I want my kid growing up with them so that they learn to love and respect and is more kind and lovable.

  11. Gandparents are real assets in the life of a child and completly agree to that. They do contribute towards healthy upbringing and growth of the child and especially mental growth with their years of experience as parents, which actual the parents lack or mostly lack to offer the child. The best thing that i feel is that they give complete dedication and invest time to play, mingle and enjoy quality time with the grandchild showering unconditional love which parents knowingly or unknowingly lack because of professional commitments. Gandparents bridge that gap … I can see the unconditional love my parents and in laws shower on my child and as a mother I feel blessed.

  12. Grandparents give and get unconditional love. I never saw my grandfathers and one grandmother,The one I saw passed away when i was 9. Now that I am a grandmother myself, I cherish every moment I spend with them and I feel sorry that they don’t have grandfathers either.

  13. Grandparents’ contribution in the overall development of kids cannot be ignored. They don’t just pamper but also care and teach them priceless life lessons.

  14. I really like your points. As I didn’t spend my childhood or even adult time with grandparents, I quite miss that. It would have been nice to know about your roots, your parents childhood and be a softer person.

  15. Very true. I never got to meet my paternal grandmother and my paternal grandfather passed away when I was very young. But my maternal grandparents had a major impact in shaping my life. Particularly my badi mummy who was a woman ahead of her time.

  16. I personally feel the bond between grandparents and grandchildren is way for understanding that between parents and kids. The important things that grandparents can teach them are not really possible by parents. The level of understanding from grandparents is different.

  17. Can’t agree more with this blog. I’ve been raised mostly nuclear, but my kids have been blessed to live with grandparents and I can see the difference their presence makes. Right from teaching them morals and values to the idea of them being in safe hands and sound company, the children grow up to be calmer and more disciplined individuals.

  18. Thanks for oxytocin filled post. Spending time with grandparents gives children the most valuable lessons that you cannot find anywhere else. ❤️

  19. My niece loves spending time with her grandparents and I wish I had been afforded that opportunity (my grandparents died quite young!) Love the points you brought up and I think the bond between grandparents and their grandkids is so special

  20. Grandparents and grandchildren always have a special connection. These days it is not always possible for them to live together but there should be interaction. Agree with the points you shared.

  21. It’s so true and the nuclear family system is snatching all that away. We were blessed as kids to live in a joint family. Though it had its share of problems, it taught us many things that helop us to deal with life better today.

  22. I like how you have organized this great post. Agree with you on all the points. I had a wonderful relationship with my maternal grandmother, she was an empowering woman. My Mother had a special relationship with all her grandkids, she made sure that the time spent together is about the grandkids and focused on them full present – without pressure, without judgement- just being there for them. My Mother in law and Father in law helped care for my daughter so I could go to work. Being around grand parents is a blessing and contributes towards human development.

  23. A grandparents love is truly one of a kind. I personally witnessed this just 2 weeks ago when my parents purposely visited us here in Singapore, well, when I say us, that means mostly because of their grandchildren. It’s great seeing them bond and simply spending time with each others’ company. I’m sure it’s not only my parents who gets the pleasure of taking care and spending a lot of laughing time with their grandchildren who benefits but also the memories my daughters get to get.

  24. I do believe that spending time with grandparents can change the charecteristics of a child. They learn about family values, their own parent’s childhood stories, love and compassion. The stories which they learn from their grand parents are always precious and life lessions. Thanks for the post.

  25. Noor Anand Chawla says:

    I agree – grandparents and grandchildren have a truly special bond.

  26. […] You would love to read: Why kids need to spend time with Grandparents […]

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